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Mental Fitness - Positive Intelligence training by Shirzad Chamine 

In order for personal change to succeed, it is necessary to interrupt old thinking habits and create new patterns in the brain. The programme for increasing mental fitness - designed according to the latest scientific findings - is an ideal support in the coaching process.

The idea behind it: "If you are physically fit, you can climb steep hills without physical stress and in flow. If you are mentally fit, you can cope with life's big challenges without mental stress, anxiety, dissatisfaction or other negative emotions. You will be happier and achieve more."

Just as you can increase physical fitness in a gym, you can increase mental fitness through regular training and measure that change.

In PQ Mental Fitness Training, you will learn how to stop mental self-sabotage in a simple and efficient way, while increasing your productivity, creativity, confidence and resilience. In the training you will gain new insights, an understanding of the connections and above all the structure and motivation to practice - with the help of an app - in small doses every day and thereby consistently build new neural pathways or new connections in the brain. Proven.

The programme is suitable ...

  • ... for individuals who want to increase their performance, stress resistance, health and well-being.
  • ... for leaders in agile transformation who want to accompany their teams towards more self-organisation
  • ... for (leadership) teams who want to improve team cohesion and the overall performance of their team through joint participation in the programme - in addition to personal improvements in the mental fitness of each and every individual.

With the very effective training, you too can significantly increase your PQ in a short time to achieve more productivity, calmness, creativity and resilience and to increase your life satisfaction. We support you personally and with the help of the app developed by Shirzad Chamine (only available in English).

Curious? Then discover your biggest saboteur here:

Coaching today


Coaching FlipchartImagine a space dedicated only to you and your concerns and a benevolent companion who stands by your side and asks questions.
A safe space where you can gain insights into yourself, your personality and your role. E.g.

  • What do I want?
  • What role do I have?
  • What does my role involve and what not?
  • How can I design the role effectively so that it suits me and the organisation?
  • What is important to me in my work and in my life?
  • How do I deal with a very specific difficult situation?


CoachingWhen you step out of this space, you will feel personally strengthened and stabilised; you have more inner clarity about what motivates you and you know what you want to do or don't want to do. And you turn these insights into practice.



We look forward to your call or message:

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We would also be happy to come to your company for a free preliminary discussion.

We also offer you a training programme to increase your mental fitness based on the latest neuroscientific findings.

What is mental fitness?