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Teams today


Teams FlipchartDifferent work locations, organisational forms, ways of working and values often make it difficult for teams today to actually feel like a team. The great heterogeneity as well as the many changes lead to conflicts or frustration at different points. Sometimes, a common understanding of the the organisation’s purpose or goals is lacking, or ideas vary on how these should be achieved.

On the one hand, home office solutions give a lot of freedom, which employees welcome, but at the same time there is a lack of informal contact and a weakened sense of togetherness. Hybrid or purely virtual collaboration and decision-making make particular demands on individuals and the team. 

In our experience establishing habits and regular meetings for teams - if possible, in the same room - strengthens trust and connectedness. When there is mutual trust, it is easier to name and resolve conflicts, make joint decisions, give each other feedback, and find better solutions. It is then also possible to establish common processes and practices that provide orientation, thereby helping team members to assume leadership tasks.

We would be happy to discuss with you and your team what successful cooperation can look like in your specific circumstances.


We look forward to your call or message:

You would like to learn more about us and our way of working?

We would also be happy to come to your company for a free preliminary discussion.

TeamsTo help this process we can offer any of the following formats: 

  • We advise you within a coaching or sparring framework how to lead your team.
  • We support both you and your team during a team development event (1-2 days) 
  • We offer team coaching for management teams, board members and executives.
  • We support you and your team as you learn and apply new methods, and establish suitable meeting formats.
  • We offer conflict moderation when problems can no longer be solved without help and when it is advisable to have an impartial person to guide the process of clarification.